Tam was born in Portland, Oregon, and at the ripe age of 2 months, was shipped off to South Africa to learn how to human.
Growing up in Cape Town, I was surrounded by nature & animals, and as such, the natural beauty of South Africa has always been a huge inspiration in my work. Pixar, Disney and Blue sky were my bread and butter growing up, and when I finally rubbed my braincells together hard enough to realise that people could actually make this their career, the animation industry became my number 1 goal.
I was fortunate enough to attend one of the best colleges for animation, The Animation School, and in the 3 years I studied there, I learnt the entire 3D pipeline for film animation, fell in love with the art of animating, and produced my pride and joy graduation short alongside 8 other team members, The Boy and the Robin.
I was then gracefully carted off to work for Triggerfish Animation Studios for an exciting 2 years and 7 months, and was lucky enough that my debut into the industry was none other than a Netflix series followed by a Disney Plus short film!! Child me would be freaking out.
The call to go back to America was strong though, and in August of 2022, I finally caved. I now find myself in the beautiful city of Dallas, TX, ready to find my people and conquer the world!
Or make art. That's good too.